Six Essential Care Tips For Your Hair Before Going To Bed


Working, studying, taking care of children, dating ... How many tasks fit into the routine of a modern woman? Lots, and, incredibly, we always take the time to fit in a little something else, especially if it's fun to read a book, watch a fun TV series, or get silky, beautiful hair. After all the soft and soft touch within the reach of the hands is a delight and feel beautiful is beyond pleasant. But for this it is not necessary to wake up and waste time with that brush at 6 in the morning. Next, we teach tricks to get out of bed with the strands in order.

Night-care creams: they have the most diverse functions: some repair, while others nourish, moisturize, finalize and even have those who recover opaque wires. The various night-care creams have in common, in addition to being used during sleep, the texture that resembles a gel and helps not to dirty the pillow. Hair stylist Kátia Silvestre, from Espaço K Hair Styling, always recommends using specific products for your hair type. In general, this type of cream does not need to be washed in the morning, that is, just wake up and enjoy the benefits.

Bedtime Hair: First of all, the hair stylist recommends that getting hair to sleep should not become a habit because with friction the hair can break. But if the idea is one day or another to wake up with curly hair, one option is to make a low braid and fasten with a cloth covered elastic, so as not to leave the locks marked. For a more intense wavy, the tip is to pass mousse on the hair and fasten in a low bun with the elastic fabric or staples.

Hydration with vegetable oils: To save time hydration of the hairs, a good option is to make the night hydration with vegetable oils. Because they are lighter than creams, you can use them during sleep without making dirt, but it is worth lining the pillow with a towel. Some options are rosehip oils, almonds and grape seed. Katia explains that the hair needs to be washed in the morning because the hair can be heavy. Those who have fine hair should avoid this care, as the hair can become very oily.

Change the pillowcase: choose a 100% cotton, so the fabric will make less friction in contact with the threads and the result will be more behaving braids and less frizz.

Cap? Grandma's famous time cap was made with wet hair all stretched to one side and, after a few hours, stretched out to the other, securing smooth strands. Today there is no need to go through all this to get straight yarn, but holding straight hair without a fold in a cap made with pantyhose helps to wake up with the hair without marks or 'face of pillow' and smoother.

Always clean and hydrated hair: hair tricks will hardly bring results if it is dirty or dry. 'Hydrated hair will mean beautiful hair the next day,' says Kátia Silvestre. This does not mean that it is necessary to wash and moisturize every day, this frequency depends on each hair, but, on average, it is recommended to wash every other day, and moisturize at least every 15 days.



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